Is it possible to map tags in Codesys "contiguously" for use in a Data Sampling object?

Is it possible to map tags in Codesys "contiguously" for use in a Data Sampling object?
none 0.0 0

Is there a method in Codesys to arrage and export the tags to EBPro in a way that the Data Sample object will recognize them as “contiguous”? This could theoretically allow up to 1000 values to be mapped directly from the Codesys device without any macro trickery.

Hi @Cstarr,

I would recommend using less than 1000 values if at all possible since this can consume storage space quite quickly depending on the sampling interval. To answer your question, can you please advise if the data type of each tag is the same?

Note: An array of primitive types (see below) can be recognized as “contiguous” by the data sampling object.

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I think the max we intend to use is 12-15. 1000 is just what the tooltip on the setup page says.
I believe that all the tags are 32bit REAL types, but I will have to double check.