Does Weintek sell a wifi module?

Does Weintek sell a wifi module?
none 0.0 0

Hi I am using 7inch HMI model cMT3072X
Do you offer any Wi-Fi module for this series of HMI ?
We use the HMI on one of our products and use a 3rd party Wi-Fi to ethernet converter to be able to have remote access on the HMI’s.
Because its a third party Wi-Fi to ethernet we can have a log in interface on the HMI and need to connect directly to this adapter.

We are trying to improve our product and make easier for our customers to interface with its remote functions.

Wanted to know if you offer any adapter for this HMI Models
or recommend a particular product that will help us improve.


Hi @gary14,

At the moment we don’t have a 7" HMI that supports our M02 Wi-Fi module. But, you may be able to use an industrial Wi-Fi extender with a built-in Ethernet port to allow your cMT3072X to access the Wi-Fi network.