Bar Graph Dynamic target compile error

Bar Graph Dynamic target compile error
none 0.0 0
  • HMI Model: cMT3072XP
  • EasyBuilder Pro Version: V6.10.01.217

Using Codesys and creating EBPro HMI. Have successfully used the dynamic ranges in the bar graph before with Click PLC and contiguous addresses. Trying to do the same using Codesys, I can select the tag names for the limits but on compile get a warning that “Tag name does not exist : (125)”. If I uncheck “Enable Dynamic Target.alarm/min(max)” the error does not exist on compile.

Any known workarounds for this? (Besides my current one of manually setting it 0-100 and doing the scaling in the PLC to fit)

Hi @durallymax,

Can you please post a few screenshots that show the object configuration and include one that shows the tag selector menu so that we can see what structure this tag belongs to and its type?

@Brendon.S, please see the following.

Hi @durallymax.

Can you please follow the steps below and advise the result?

  1. Disable the “Dynamic color” option within the “Outline” tab:
  2. Click “Ok” to save the object.
  3. Open the object’s properties, select the “Range” tab, and ensure that all of the following options are enabled:
  4. Select the “Target address…” and “Alarm address…” options and check if either option references a PLC tag:
  5. If either option references a PLC tag, please set it to reference a local HMI register such as LW-0 and save the object by clicking “OK”.
  6. Then, re-open the object and re-enable “Dynamic color”.

@Brendon.S , thanks. I was able to resolve it. It appears the issue was relayed to selecting “Use different address for ranges”. Deselecting this showed the Codesys device with tag name “125” which does not exist. Setting this to LW0, saving and then going back, unchecking the box and setting the ranges to the tags desired fixed it. I’d guess this is not how it should work as I’d assume it should ignore the single tag when different address range is selected? Either way, it’s working now.

Also, while on the topic of bar graphs. Is there a way to get the scale visibility to link with the security on the bar graph itself? The bar graph vis will toggle with a security tag but the scale remains.


Hi @durallymax,

Please see the object visibility workaround below.

In the Object tab, select the Rectangle object.

Choose a color for the Frame and Interior that matches the background of the window. If needed, you can use the Select option to find a color match for the window’s background.

Click and drag within your project to create a shape that will fully cover the Bar Graph object.

Double-click the newly created shape and navigate to the Security tab. Here you can configure a security bit to toggle the shape’s visibility.

Drag the shape on top of the Bar Graph.

When the Rectangle’s security bit is triggered, the Bar Graph will be hidden (covered by the shape).

@cody.bearden this is the workaround I have been using but it’s less than ideal when developing as it’s obviously hard to see the objects. Is there a way to select object visibility when developing screens like in some other HMI programs? To be clear I am just referring to visibility when developing, not during runtime.

You could potentially create a second layer for the window. See below.

Right-click the window containing the bar graph and select Add layer.

Expand the window within the window tree to see its contents. You can then cut + paste the shape from the first layer onto the second layer. Then, it will be out of your way during development and still function as intended.

@cody.bearden that did the trick, thanks!

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