Can I access the data on an SD card via EasyAccess 2.0?

Can I access the data on an SD card via EasyAccess 2.0?
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I am storing an event log and some trend data to the SD card on my cMT. I have EasyAccess 2.0 on this HMI. Is there a way to access the data on the SD card via Easy Access? Can I use FTP? I’m pretty sure I can email the data but that’s my least favorite option.


Hi @JBeckmann,

You can use FTP within EasyAccess as shown here.

Or you could potentially back up historical data as a .csv file as demonstrated in this video. Then, schedule the .csv export through email or FTP as shown in this video.

If you decide to go the FTP route, here are some additional resources:

How to use FTP to transfer files from your HMI remotely
How to transfer files using implicit FTPS