CMT3092X and Julabo

CMT3092X and Julabo
none 0.0 0

Hi @Brendon.S

This question/project actually is one that I am working on. We have setup the Free Protocol driver, but I am struggling to understand how to parameterize the file. It seems I keep getting C026 errors when I try to save and compile.

In the Julabo’s manual, it calls out a very specific sequence that must happen for sending values:
A transfer sequence consists of:
• address (RS485 interface only)
• command
• space (⇔; Hex: 20)
• parameter (decimal separation with a period)
• end of file (↵; Hex: 0D)

In the Macro setup on the Easy Builder Pro, I have tried to build this function, example here:

macro_command main()

short x
x = OUT_MODE_05 0x20 1 0x0D

OUTPORT(x, “Julabo Write Free Protocol”, 1)

end macro_command

In this example above, the OUT_MODE_05 gives us the start/stop of the unit. By sending a 0, it stops the unit and sending a 1 starts the unit. Any suggestions on how to build the function?

I did review the video in another question that I felt was similar but I just am missing something I believe.
