Why does Codesys keep crashing and freezing?

Why does Codesys keep crashing and freezing?
none 0.0 0

Codesys 3.5 SP18 Patch 4

I have a customer with 2 of the FHDX-820 installed. Both are running very similar programs (different number of ladder rungs because of different number of monitored devices).

On one of them, Codesys is “crashing” to a point where even a reset origin won’t allow me to reload the program. I have to generate the .acc and .crc files and load them in through the web interface. That resets Codesys runtime enough to run the program again, but it will crash again within 24 hours.

I realize this probably isn’t enough info to get the answer, but what sort of logging can / should I turn on, error messages, log setting levels, etc. can I use to gather more info to find out why this is happening? The other system, with the larger version of this program, is rock solid, and has never had any issues.

If it would help, I can attach the program. It is basically watching I/O points in an Automation Direct processor over Modbus TCP, and tracking how long the bit is on or off.

Thanks! (edited to correct spelling errors)

Good morning @jjansen,

It sounds like the application is experiencing a runtime error or exception. If possible, can you please send me a link to your project via PM so that I can attempt to replicate this issue within our office?

For the time being, I would recommend that you enable the “Watchdog” as it may allow the application to halt so that you can login and identify the source of this error: Link.

Hi @jjansen,

Thank you, I was able to evaluate a portion of the project file provided, but since it is compiled in a later version than the software validated by our QA team, I was not able to open the “UpTimeCalc” POU.

However, I did noticed that the driver version of the Ethernet, Modbus TCP Master, and Modbus TCP Slave do not match those validated by our QA team. This is very important as certain drivers may reference libraries that lead to compilation errors or produce unexpected behavior during runtime. When you have time, can you please update each device driver to those recommended within this post and advise if this issue is resolved?