CSV export of defined PLC tags

CSV export of defined PLC tags
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Question regarding Rockwell Ethernet IP Compact Logix Free tag names driver. How do I export to a CSV file all the PLC tags referenced in an application? Want to know what tags are used, what object that they are associated with and screen they are on.


Hi @SteveV,

Unfortunately, we do no currently have a way to export all of the PLC tags referenced within the HMI program. To accomplish this request, you can use the “Windows tree” in EasyBuilder Pro to determine what tags are used within UI objects:

Note: Click the object table (right) to see a complete list of object notations.

However, this list does not include “global” objects like Macros, Data sampling, Event (alarm) log, Data transfer (global), Scheduler, Action trigger (global), MQTT, OPC UA, PLC Control, or Backup (Global) objects. These objects must be reviewed separately.

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