How do I update the HMI's Codesys firmware?

How do I update the HMI's Codesys firmware?
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I have a cMT2078X with Codesys, OS version currently 20210303. When trying to update to 20240507.722 (latest download), it gives OS firmware update is not supported by the given device and states *Require OS version 20220515 or later. Where can I locate version to perform update please?

Hi @Gerweck,

Thank you for contributing to our community. To update the HMI’s Codesys firmware, please review the instructions within this post: Link.

The link supplied is the same version that I tried to install and got the errors. The Utility Manager shows this error (see attached please) from latest software install 6.08.02

Do I need a previous versioin of the Utility Mangager to be able to update firmware from 20210303 to current version 20240507.722?

Hi @Gerweck,

That link provides a .bin file for the HMI’s Codesys firmware. To use that file, you will need to use the “Codesys Firmware Upgrade” utility with an applicable HMI model as described within the upgrade instructions: