How do you convert .dtl files to .xlsx without EB Pro?

How do you convert .dtl files to .xlsx without EB Pro?
none 0.0 0
  • HMI Model: MT8071iP
  • EasyBuilder Pro Version:609.02
  • Serial Number or supplier:

I have a program in the field that utilizes Data Sampling and the files are stored to a USB Flash drive. When the customer pulls the USB and places it in their computer the saved files are in .dtl format. On my computer I just double click on it and it automatically creates a .xlsz file. However, when my customer double clicks on the .dtl file nothing happens and I assume it’s because they do not have EasyBuilderPro loaded on their laptop. They checked with their company, and they are currently not allowed to load EBPro. Do they require EBPro or is there another configuration somewhere else? Currently, on my computer in “Apps by File Type” I have .dtl associated with EasyConverter…can I use a Windows based app?Thanks

Hi @ProcessControl,

I am not sure what restrictions this customer faces, but if they can install software other than EasyBuilder Pro, perhaps they can install the standalone instance of EasyConverter: Link. This application will allow them to open and convert their .dtl files.