How do you scale data within a numeric object?

How do you scale data within a numeric object?
none 0.0 0

I am using 1200 siemens and a weintek HMI, I am reading values through Modbus for a soft starter and the HMI and PLC are communicating through ethernet , using driver s7 commplus.

I have imported the tags from the siemens program.
I am able to write the values of the PT but it does so in ms I need them to be S.
How can I do a arithmetic operation when I imported the tag ?
Also I need to limit them , lets say 6s minimum accepted value and 20 s maximum value accepted.


Hi @gary14,

To scale items written or read into this tag, you may use “Interpolation” as shown within the example below:

  1. Within the “Format” tab select “Interpolation”:

  2. Configure the “Scaling low” and “Scaling high” limits as well as the “Device low” and “Device high” limit:


That did it !!
