How to capture an image of the HMI's display


In this post, we will guide you through the process of capturing a screenshot with your HMI and saving it to a USB drive.

Software Version:

EasyBuilder Pro


  1. Navigate to and select the “PLC Control” option within the “Object” tab:

  2. Within the “PLC Control Object,” select “New”:

  3. When configuring the “PLC Control Object,” set the “Type” to “Screen hardcopy.” Next, choose the desired boolean “Trigger” address for “Address” and set the “Trigger mode”. Within the “Source Window” section, select one of three options: capture the current window (Current base window), capture a window from a memory address (Window no. from the register), or select a window from the drop-down menu (Designate window no.). Lastly, ensure that “USB disk” is selected within the “Output to” box:

  4. Create a “Toggle Switch” or use another object to “Trigger” a screen hardcopy via the “Trigger mode” and address set in the PLC Control object:

  5. When we activate the toggle switch, a screenshot will be captured and saved to the USB drive connected to our HMI.


USB, photo, screenshot, PLC Control Object, Screen Hardcopy, Trigger mode, HMI screen capture setup, screenshot guide