How to fix "OnlineChange denied" message in CODESYS?

How to fix "OnlineChange denied" message in CODESYS?
none 0.0 0

HMI - cMT3108XP
Codesys - v3.5 SP15 Patch 5

I had a working Codesys program running on my cMT3108XP last week. Today, after not making any changes, tried to login and it prompted me to login with online change, download, or just login without change. After selecting login with online change I get the below error and details.


The details do not give me much to use for troubleshooting. I’ve tried login with download, same result.

Trying login without change results in an exception [ProcessorLoadWatchdog] but nothing in the exception description to really point me to what is causing the issue.

The PLC program is very small, still well under development, and has no infinite loops that would cause this. Or, if it does, Codesys isn’t giving me much of a clue where to look.

What is the best way to troubleshoot this?

Hi @JDControlsLLC,

Could you please send a screenshot or picture of the “CODESYS” tab in the HMI’s settings menu?

Could you please reset the CODESYS program and then re-attempt download? Also, could you please upgrade your CODESYS firmware? The upgrade could potentially prevent this issue from happening in the future. Instructions and upgrade file can be found here.

Ok all of that seemed to work, thanks. I did not know I was running an older Codesys firmware. I’ll keep that in mind for future projects.

Good news! Thanks for the update.