How to use an LW_Bit address to access individual bits within PLC memory


Within this post, we demonstrate how to use an HMI’s LW_Bit address to write to individual bits within PLC memory.

Software Version:

EasyBuilder Pro


  1. Within the “Object” tab select “Data Transfer (Global)”:

  2. Create a data transfer from an HMI’s LW memory address to the desired driver’s word address (a Control Techniques device for this example). Click “OK” when finished:

  3. Then, use the LW_Bit address to write to individual bits within LW and in-turn, PLC memory:
    Note 1: Within this example, a toggle switch is used to write to LW - 0, bit 2. This data will then be transferred to the Control Techniques device via the data transfer mentioned previously.
    Note 2: The address format for LW_Bit is “DDDDDdd”, where the first 5 “D” characters represent the word address, and the last two “d” characters represent the bit address from 0 - 15. So, to address LW- 15, bit 10 you would type LW_Bit - 1510.