Is it possible to communicate with a Hardy Load Cell HI6800?

Is it possible to communicate with a Hardy Load Cell HI6800?
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Using Codesys V3.5, SP15 Patch 5+, I have a device that is dropping from “Connected” state to “Connecting” or “Disconnected” incredibly fast. I can not see the error code that is being generated fast enough.

Ultimately, what is happening, the device (Hardy Load Cell HI6800) is not reporting back any values on the internal Input Registers via Modbus. I can confirm that values are there via 3rd party software.

The HMI: CMT-3162x

The Modbus TCP Slave is set as a, and shows the connected state of a green icon. Unless its dropping the connecting, which sometimes adds the ! mark and other times goes to the Yellow or Red triangle.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @jonmarc91,

The iR-ETN is an Ethernet coupler for our iR series I/O, the PLC in this case may be the cMT3162X based on your description. It is difficult for us to diagnose the issue that you’ve described without an overview of the system. Can you please provide the following information:

Good morning @Brendon.S,

Absolutely, please see attached the information requested:

Network Diagram:

Modbus TCP Master:

Modbus TCP Server:


Here is the manual for the HI6800: (About sheet 91)

I was talking to the vendor too, they only had an example for a Rockwell PLC:

Hi @jonmarc91,

Thank you for the information, I am not quite sure why this issue has occurred since the device addressing and parameters seem to be correct. Can you please disconnect the PLC and HI6800 device from the switch and connect them directly so that we can confirm the issue is not caused by the switch?

Hello @Brendon.S,

Yep, that is done. The HI6800 and PLC are connected directly together. No change on what was happening.



That is quite odd, I suppose in this case I may recommend that you try communicating with this device using EtherNet/IP instead since the vendor has mentioned that they have a working example.

I also noticed that the vendor has provided the .eds file on their site, which should make setup very easy:

To communicate with an EtherNet/IP device you may follow the general steps described within this tutorial: Link

Thank you @Brendon.S,

I was able to get that to work over Ethernet/IP.