Why can I not achieve motion with an EtherCAT Yaskawa servo drive?

Why can I not achieve motion with an EtherCAT Yaskawa servo drive?
none 0.0 0

Hey there, I am setting up the Weintek codesys controller with an EtherCAT Yaskawa servo drive.
I can get to the point where I can enable the drive, but I can’t achieve any motion. My assumption is that I have a simple parameter like maximum torque set to 0 or something of that nature.
The difficulty I am having is finding where those parameters are in the IDE with the weintek codesys library. Ordinarily all the axis parameters can be found in one spot but this seems less intuitive.
I have watched the weintek motion webinar several times, but the demonstrator doesn’t seem to go over where these parameters would be.
I have poked around the example programs as well but they didn’t provide any clarity.
Info is as follows:

Codesys 3.15.10
EtherCAT master 3.15.12