Sample import tag file for mitsubishi FX3G

Sample import tag file for mitsubishi FX3G
none 0.0 0
  • HMI Model: cmt-g02
  • EasyBuilder Pro Version:6.10.01
  • Serial Number or supplier:

Does anyone have sample a import tag file for mitsubishi FX3G ?

As depicted within our connection guide, you can export your tags from GXWork 2 and save it as a CSV file.

hello i have a no tag found error message when i try to import the csv file

Could you take screenshots of the following?

  • Where&how did you export your tags within GX Work2
  • Within your CSV file, the order of the columns and tag information

By the way, the FX3G PLC is a register-based controller. Using a tag file exported from the PLC IDE is not necessary. Instead, you can select the memory type that you need when creating objects in your EBpro project.

Thanks i will use the direct memory mapping solution

Do you think that it is possible to access with a cmt-g02 to the Fx3G CPU but throuht the Beijer HMI E1063 ?

It seems to me that the Beijer HMI E1063 is one of the Beijer’s legacy HMIs. It may have a dedicated driver for the FX3G communication protocol. You can reach out to Beijer technical support team for detailed instructions. I guess E1063 doesn’t have OPC UA Client to consume OPC UA tags from the CMT-G02.

Hello let me explain better my question, the FX3 is connected to the E1063 via RS422, i was wondering if i can access thru the second serial port of the E1063 to the FX3 PLC via the transparent mode with the CMT-G02

To my knowledge without a Modbus gateway configured inside the Beijer’s HMI, it is impossible to achieve what you’re planning to do. You may reach out to Beijer to see if this HMI allows you to configure a Modbus gateway driver in which you will have to map the FX3G registers to the Modbus RTU registers. This way the G02 will pull Modbus RTU data out of the HMI, and the HMI will act as a gateway in this application.

thanks timWusa this is my B plan, i already test it with a modbus tcp connection on the HMI, i was just wondering if i could do it without modifying the screen program