Simulated siemens PLC communication problem

Simulated siemens PLC communication problem
none 0.0 0
  • HMI Model: CMT-G02
  • EasyBuilder Pro Version:6.10.01

Hello i face a strange Behaviour, i am using siemens plc Sim advanced to simulate my Siemens 1500 PLC on a computer , when i simulate my CMT-G02 on my dev computer with easybuilder communication with the plc is ok, when i do tha same with the real device no communication i am on the same network: is my dev PC, 192.168.154 is my cmt-g02, is my simulated PLC

cmt diagnoser on real device:

cmt diagnoser on simulated device:

why it is not possible to communicate with the simulated plc on real device ? i do not have a real PLC to try

There are one wifi and dual ethernet ports on the CMT-G02. It may be due to your ethernet and wifi configuration. Refer to the G02 user manual or reach out to your local distributor for assistance.
Unfortunately, we have not had experience with siemens plc Sim. You will need a real PLC to build your machine.

Wifi is not connected