We have a customer who is currently using an Omron CP1H PLC communicating with the Weintek MT8070IE via RS232 using the Omron Host Link serial protocol. Since the customer is looking to expand the scope of this machine, they are looking to replace the Omron CP1H PLC with an NX102 PLC. The NX102 does not have a serial Host Link option so we are hoping to get these questions answered:
- What Omron protocols are supported by the MT8070IE? I know the newer models can connect directly with the Omron NX/NJ-series controllers, but we need to confirm this model will have the ability to do this as well.
- Since the MT8070IE project was created using a serial interface to the Omron PLC, we would also like to confirm there are no issues with the existing EB Pro project where it would be possible to maintain the existing address calls for all objects and then implement these addresses on the Omron NX102 PLC. Traditionally, the NX102 will use tags; however, it is also possible to use “fixed” addresses to make the NX102 resemble a previous generation Omron PLC to connected devices. We simply want to confirm this connectivity will work without having to change any of the pre-existing objects in EB Pro on the MT8070IE.