I am having a hard time locating public email servers that allow less-secure-apps (such as EBPro email) to run. Google will allow less secure apps but to create access, my customers struggle with the procedure to do so. What are the names of other public email servers that you know of that others use as the master email acct for sending out notification emails…etc.? Thanks
This is a difficult question to answer since the landscape of SMTP and account security is changing quickly. I personally use ‘Yahoo’ when testing SMTP functions since Google, as you’ve mentioned, has implemented new restrictions that make it difficult to send messages reliably.
Some of our customers also use ‘Outlook’ but there are a variety of services to consider.
I have tried for four days to generate an app password and keep getting the same message, “App passwords cannot be generated right now. Try again Later.” I have researched on Yahoo and complied with any configurations mentioned. I could not locate a method to contact customer support unless I paid a monthly fee. The only way I could reach Yahoo was to submit an “abuse” report which I eventually did requesting assistance. They did respond and asked for details, the same details that I had originally supplied…must be a bot response. I sent everything again an await their response.
Because I find it so difficult to locate public emails that either allow “less safe apps” or allow you to generate 3rd party app passwords that is why I reached out to Weintek to see what others use. The option to be able to send alerts from the Weintek HMIs is a great idea and would boosts our sales, but I find actually implementing the function to be an extremely difficult task because of the email account creation issues. What public email accounts do others use that make this email creation process go smooth? Thanks
Most public email servers, especially free of charge, have some sort of security policies. The way to avoid this restriction is to take a look at affordable private email servers. Local IT consultant companies may have good choices.
By the way, please note that Basic Authentication is no longer available to access any Outlook email accounts. This is the security policy implemented in Outlook. Our HMIs cannot use other authentication methods to access an Outlook email account.