Why do some HMI models have "(V2)" appended to the end?

Why do some HMI models have "(V2)" appended to the end? https://forum.weintekusa.com/uploads/db0776/original/1X/65570f5344254bfff9ec3522a7bdc507dfd45046.gif
none 0.0 0

What does the V2 represent in the Easy Builder Pro model list when creating a new project?
How would we know if we have this Version 2?

Hi @SteveV,

My apologies for the delay, “V2” denotes minor differences in equipped hardware. If applicable, the “V2” notation can be seen on the product label:

Side Note: cMT3092X V2/cMT3152X V2 won’t be equipped with a built-in EasyAccess2.0 license.
If your application needs EasyAccess2.0 to function on the cMT3092X V2/cMT3152X V2, you will have to purchase an EasyAccess2.0 activation card to activate the cMT3092X V2/cMT3152X V2.

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