How to access Remote HMI Data in Macros

How to access Remote HMI Data in Macros
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  • HMI Model: CMT3108XP
  • EasyBuilder Pro Version: V6.09.01.524
  • Serial Number or supplier: MSITEC

Hello, I have established connection between two CMT3108XP HMIs and am able to read and write words and bits stored in HMI A through objects on HMI B. I would like to be able to receive data from multiple HMIs on HMI B to do math and create statistics, but I it seems Macros can only work for local devices (I receive Error 51 “macro command cannot control a remote device”.) If I cannot “GetData” from remote devices in macros, how can I get an HMI to receive data from remote HMIs and perform math with it in an automated way?



To access remote HMI data within a macro, I would recommend that you use a “Data Transfer (Global)” object to transfer remote HMI data into local memory first:

Note: Within this post we demonstrate how to transfer data using the “Data Transfer (Global)” object.

Then, you may reference the local memory used as the “destination” in your “Data Transfer (Global)” object within the macro: