The instructions below demonstrate how to convert variable values of one data type to another data type within Codesys.
Software Version:
Codesys IDE
Codesys package
Related Tutorials:
New to Codesys?
Video - How to convert between data types in Codesys
Structured Text
Using the “TO_< data type
>” operator, it is possible to convert variables of one data type to another. Codesys program example:
Example: While the program is running, the “TO_REAL” operator converts our INT value into a REAL.
Ladder Logic
Using the “Box” or “Box with EN/ENO”, it is possible to convert variables of one data type to another. The “Box with EN/ENO” can be found in the “ToolBox” on the right side of the Codesys IDE:
Note: The “Box with EN/ENO” is located under “General”.
Note: To select the “TO_REAL” conversion operator, select the “???” at the top of the “Box with EN/ENO” and click the ellipsis. This will summon the “Input Assistant”. Next, select “TO_REAL” from the “Conversion Operators” section
Codesys program example:
Example: While the program is running, the “TO_REAL” “Box with EN/ENO” converts our INT value into a REAL.
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