How to Convert Variable Values of One Data Type to Another Data Type


The instructions below demonstrate how to convert variable values of one data type to another data type within Codesys.

Software Version:

Codesys IDE
Codesys package

Related Tutorials:

New to Codesys?
Video - How to convert between data types in Codesys


Structured Text

Using the “TO_< data type>” operator, it is possible to convert variables of one data type to another. Codesys program example:

Example: While the program is running, the “TO_REAL” operator converts our INT value into a REAL.

Ladder Logic

Using the “Box” or “Box with EN/ENO”, it is possible to convert variables of one data type to another. The “Box with EN/ENO” can be found in the “ToolBox” on the right side of the Codesys IDE:

Note: The “Box with EN/ENO” is located under “General”.

Note: To select the “TO_REAL” conversion operator, select the “???” at the top of the “Box with EN/ENO” and click the ellipsis. This will summon the “Input Assistant”. Next, select “TO_REAL” from the “Conversion Operators” section

Codesys program example:

Example: While the program is running, the “TO_REAL” “Box with EN/ENO” converts our INT value into a REAL.


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