How to set the time and date on an HMI


This post demonstrates how to change an HMI’s time and date using options within the system settings menu or programmatically via system tags.

Software Version:

EasyBuilder Pro

Related Tutorials:

How to find and Reference “System Tags”


System Settings:


  1. Select the settings button on the top left of the HMI’s display:

  2. Select the lock icon and enter the HMI’s password. The default password for all Weintek HMIs is “111111”:

  3. Scroll down and select the “Time/Date” option. Here, you can set the HMI’s date and time:

iP, iE, XE, eMT, or mTV:
  1. Click the arrow on the bottom right side of the HMI:

  2. Select the settings icon and enter the HMI’s password. “111111” is the default password for all Weintek HMIs:

  3. Select the “Next” button to “scroll” to the “Time/Date” tab. Here, you can set the HMI’s time and date:

System Tags

Note: To set the time and date programmatically, enter values into the system tags below via numeric objects or using another method.

Name Type Address
LW-9017 (16bit) : local second WORD LW-9017
LW-9018 (16bit) : local minute WORD LW-9018
LW-9019 (16bit) : local hour WORD LW-9019
LW-9020 (16bit) : local day WORD LW-9020
LW-9021 (16bit) : local month WORD LW-9021
LW-9022 (16bit) : local year WORD LW-9022



date, time, modify, default password, change, system tags, numeric objects, year, month, day, week, hour, minute, second, system settings