- HMI Model: eMT-3150a
- EasyBuilder Pro Version:
- Serial Number or supplier: 2102102734
Can you please assist me with two new applications. After reviewing many Weintek videos I realize that there could be newer solutions now available that I am not completely familiar with so I would like to explain my application and ask Weintek to suggest the best solution. Both applications use the same Weintek eMT-3150a while one that communicates via Internet the other is over Ethernet through a fiber optic router. (Encore Networks).
Please see attached sketch, I only show one example. The customer would like the following:
• The ability to remotely view alarms and values with the option to change setpoints and acuate Alarm Reset. I realize that we have to limit starting motion etc. for liability. (use HMI Viewer?? & Easy Access 2.0??)
• Phone alarm notification. (I know email messages are available in Easy Builder Pro). Can we offer any type of Alarm Reset via phone or only messaging?
- The customer would like to document (Excel spread sheet?) one data value whenever requested. This request could be initiated at midnight every night or manually when the operator presses a button on the HMI, HMI Viewer or phone if possible.
Please provide any options (p#s) or challenges that you see and reference any videos that I could assist me. These systems are already in the field running so I don’t have immediate access to them. If using HMI Viewer for example, I believe that I need to first establish an internet connection with the HMI in order to obtain its session ID so that would mean that I would need to first drive out to the site (2.5hrs) before I could start programming? Its challenges like this that I want to be made aware of, so I know how to quote this job accordingly and if there are any easier solutions, please let me know…Thanks
Hi @ProcessControl ,
Please see my response to each question below:
The ability to remotely view alarms and values with the option to change setpoints and acuate Alarm Reset. I realize that we have to limit starting motion etc. for liability. (use HMI Viewer?? & Easy Access 2.0??)
I think that EasyAccess 2.0 would be an excellent solution to this particular problem. The eMT-3150a can be equipped with an EasyAccess 2.0 license. The end customer can use either HMI Viewer or VNC to monitor and control the HMI from a remote location.
Phone alarm notification. (I know email messages are available in Easy Builder Pro). Can we offer any type of Alarm Reset via phone or only messaging?
Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to text or email the HMI.
The customer would like to document (Excel spread sheet?) one data value whenever requested. This request could be initiated at midnight every night or manually when the operator presses a button on the HMI, HMI Viewer or phone if possible.
I would recommend that you use a “Data sampling” object to record this value. Then, you can use a “Backup (Per-page)” object to export the log as a .csv file. The log can be exported automatically every day by triggering the “Backup” object with a “Scheduler”.
Each of the hyperlinks above will direct you to a video that is related to this topic. After reviewing this material, please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank for the quick response and info. Just to be clear…but EBPro can still send out emails when alarm conditions occur…right?
That is correct! The HMI project can be configured to send emails when an alarm occurs. Here is a tutorial in which we demonstrate how to add push notifications to your project: Click Here
When running HMI Viewer or VNC is there a limitation as to how many people can be logged into the same HMI at the same time? And when someone is logged in remotely are they taking over the screens that are being displayed at the HMI or can the operator still view screens independently at the same time?
The maximum number of users that can connect to the HMI using HMI Viewer or VNC is 3. However, VNC viewer is not well suited for multi-user control.
When someone is logged in and using VNC, the operator will be able to see each action performed by the remote client and the client can view each action performed by the operator. Whereas, HMI viewer will allow the operator and the remote client to access different aspects of the HMI project independently.
In the EasyAcces 2.0 video it shows that my MT8092XE is pre-licensed, however the HMI was never activated (based on the EasyAccess screen) and the paperwork was discarded…how can I receive a preplacement activation? Thank you.
The EasyAccess 2.0 tutorial that I advised within my initial response, relates to the HMI model within your post (eMT-3150a). If you are using a pre-licensed HMI like the MT8092XE, please follow the instructions within this tutorial to add this HMI to your domain: Click Here
I was able to simulate the field setup using an in-house HMI via HMI Viewer and all works well…thanks to your support. However, now that I am using the EasyAccess 2.0 phone app and select the Access Setting tab (to enable “Use HMI Viewer”) I don’t see any options (VNC or Use HMI Viwer) but rather I get the following password request…what password does it require? I have tried a few different ones, but it doesn’t respond in anyway…almost like it’s looking for another “OK” button to be pressed…appreciate your comment please. Thanks
Also, where do you configure multiple users for this HMI and is there a video or doc that shows the steps for this procedure? Thanks
HMI Viewer is not supported within the EasyAccess 2.0 mobile application. You can access the HMI using VNC by clicking the “VNC” icon within the “Info” tab while logged in:
Note: You will need to install a VNC application on your mobile device.
After clicking the “VNC” icon, the application will prompt you to select a VNC application on your mobile device if you have not already done so:
The “Password” that is mentioned within the “Access setting” tab is the password for the HMI’s FTP server. If you do not need to access the HMI using FTP, you do not need to enter a password or generate an FTP URL.
“multi-user connections” can be enabled within the “Domain Setting” tab in your Weincloud domain: Tutorial
Thanks for the response…but it now brings up several more questions. So, can the remote office be logged in via HMI Viewer while two cell phones can be logged in via VNC at the same time? Previously you mentioned that multiple VNC connections was not recommended. So, the customer who has a non cMT HMI wants to be logged into the remote HMI continuously from the office while having three cell phones (but in our case due to the three login limitation we can only have two cell phones?) monitoring the HMI while they are away from the office. Can this be done? What are all my options? I will also be sending the cell phones Alarm email notifications.Thanks.
The remote office can monitor the HMI using “HMI Viewer” while one or more smartphones are connected to the HMI using VNC. To allow multiple devices to connect to the HMI using VNC, please ensure that “VNC multi-connection” is enabled:
Each client that connects to the HMI using EasyAccess 2.0 should have their own account on the domain. You cannot login to the same account on multiple devices. Additionally, I would recommend that the end customer does not monitor the HMI continuously as this can use a lot of data.
Each HMI on the domain is allotted 1GB of free high speed data each month. If the customer’s data usage surpasses the 1GB of free high speed data, the connection speed will be slowed significantly. A top-up card can be used to replenish data in the event that the data usage exceeds this threshold.
The reason that we do not typically recommend connecting multiple VNC clients to one device is that each client will have to share control with the operator. For example: If client 1 changes to a “Trend” screen, client 2 and the operator will see this change as well. Similarly, if the operator clicks a return button to return to the home page, client 1 and client 2 will see this change as well.
Thanks for the input and I was able to get HMI Viewer (from my PC) and VNC (from my PC) to work but struggling to get EasyAccess 2.0 & VNC to work from my cell phone. Have to walk away and try again later. So, I am setting up email alerts to send from the HMI…I follow the video exactly but when I try “TEST SMTP Settngs” I get the following error message below. I am using the same Username and Password that I use to login to my Google acct so how can they be “bad”? What can I try next? Is there a better video to review to assist me? Thanks
Some mail hosting providers like Google and Yahoo now require 3rd party applications to use “App Passwords”. Please create and use an “App password” when configuring a Gmail based SMTP server:
Login to the “Gmail” account and click “Manage Account”:
On the following webpage select the “Security” tab:
Under “Signing in to google” click “App passwords”:
Select “Other” within the app drop-down list and define a custom name:
Click “Generate” when finished:
Use this password within the SMTP “Password” settings in EasyBuilder Pro:
Thanks for the response, but I cant locate or create “Apps Password” see attached pic. Thanks
I believe in the past to get this to work I used to enable “Less Secure Apps” but now this function is no longer available in Google.
I believe that there are certain requirements that must be met before app passwords are enabled. Please see Google’s documentation for more information on app passwords: Link
I’m back with an update: I can view & control the HMI via HMI Viewer from a remote PC and at the same time view and control the HMI via VNC from my cell phone. I can send Test Email successfully, but I can’t get the emails to send when triggered by the program. I have reviewed your previous reference to Email Config but still no luck. I believe that I was working on email notifications previously some time ago, and tech support had me create several registers to view in order to determine the error. I can still display this page in my current set up and was wondering if it might help with the diagnosis…please see attached pic:
LB-12053 Failed to Send is enabled. Thanks
Typically, I see error code “105” (“Unable to determine remote server”) when the HMI does not have an internet connection. However, since you can connect to the HMI using EasyAccess 2.0 this cannot be the case. Can you please post a redacted screenshot of the configuration of your SMTP server or confirm if your configuration is similar to the following?
Yes, you are correct. I performed the PC and cell test previously and the email test now and there was an error with the HMI internet connection. The emails are now working! Thanks once again.
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Just to confirm, I can schedule the .csv file export via email with the emt-3150a, but not via FTP?